Our school children will be taken on a picnic to Bal Bhavan in Cubbon Park.
Eulogy to Raksha by our President, Shalini Joshi
The song is ended but the melody lingers on… Irwing Berlin’s lyrics come to mind.
We have gathered here today to celebrate the life of our beloved Raksha. We stand here today, quite literally on the foundation provided by her vision and leadership.
She was a woman of exceptional courage and tenacity with an almost childlike zest for life. She dealt with all the challenges and obstacles she encountered with unwavering strength and determination, almost cocking a snook at life.
We will miss her for her laughter and cheerfulness, for her generosity and kindness, for her extraordinary commitment and dedication to SEWAC. May her memory continue to inspire, uplift and guide us as we navigate our future journey without her. Her life was a blessing, her memory a treasure. She is loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
The Annual Day for our Creche and School saw enthusiastic participation from our children. Our teachers had put in a lot of work into their performances, also ensuring that each child gets to participate.
SEWAC-B runs a library where children from the neighbourhood come and read in the evenings. Library day was held to mark the importance of reading with reading sessions and some celebrations.
The creche and school children took part in indoor sports competitions. It was attended by the parents and staff of SEWAC-B.
A fabulous talk on good nutrition with a cooking demo was given by Ms Rema Radhakrishnan. She explained what was proper nutirtion. The Speaker even brought nutritious sweets for all to eat and explained how nutrition and good taste can to go together. It was attended by the parents and staff of SEWAC-B. It is part of the SEWAC Information and Discussion Series.
Children came to school in colour dress to enjoy a day of fun. The teachers had put up beautiful words on the blackboard.
Diwali was celebrated in the school a day early. Diyas were lit and small crackers were lit by the teachers while the children enjoyed watching.
A talk on menstrual hygiene was given by Mrs. Nirmala Nayak for parents and staff of SEWAC-B, as part of the SEWAC Information and Discussion Series.
Legal information for Women by Ms. Cynthia Steven as part of SEWAC-B Information and Discussion Series
Janamashtmi was celebrated in the school.
The flag was hoisted in school and children sang the national anthem. Many of the children chose to dress up as heroes or in independence day colours.
We held a talk and interactive session on Stress management, Time management and Goal setting by Ms. Kanakavalli R. This was part of the SEWAC Information and Discussion Series
Colour day in school today. Children were dressed in red blue and yellow, emphasizing colours.
Children in SEWAC-B have been learning and practicing yoga appropriate for their age. On International Yoga Day, they put up a sterling performance.
Children celebrated Bakr-e-id and Father’s day in school on this day.
The environment is very important for human survival and health. The children did special activities for environment day.
School re-opens after the summer holidays and the teachers put in a special effort to welcome the children back to school.
©Copyright – Society for Empowerment of Women and Children, Bangalore.