SEWAC-B organised its first Summer Camp for Women for a week from 3rd April to 8th April, 2017 from 10:30AM to 1:30PM at its premises in Guddadahalli.There were 15 participants.
Yoga sessions and singing classes were held every day.
Sessions were held on self grooming, personality development and parenting.
Participating women were made aware of their legal rights like property inheritance rights, divorce, domestic violence, child support and many more through an interactive workshop.
They were taught the practical concepts of banking and also the advantages and usage of internet banking, credit cards, PayTM etc.
Vocational skills like chocolate making, needle work, making and marketing of organic floor cleaning agent and skin cream were imparted during the camp.
Cooking and rangoli competitions were organised.
The camp was a great success. The participants expressed their desire for more such camps at SEWAC-B